The ADG512 is a monolithic CMOS IC containing four independently selectable analog switches. These switches feature low, well-controlled on resistance and wide analog signal range, making them ideal for precision analog signal switching.
These switch arrays are fabricated using Analog Devices? advanced linear compatible CMOS (LC2 MOS) process which offers the additional benefits of low leakage currents, ultralow power dissipation and low capacitance for fast switching speeds with minimum charge injection. These features make the ADG512 the optimum choice for a wide variety of signal switching tasks in precision analog signal processing and data acquisition systems.
The ability to operate from single +3 V, +5 V or ?5 V bipolar supplies make the ADG512 perfect for use in battery-operated instruments, 4?20 mA loop systems and with the new generation of DACs and ADCs from Analog Devices. The use of 5 V supplies and reduced operating currents give much lower power dissipation than devices operating from ?15 V supplies.
+3 V, +5 V or 5 V Power Supplies
Ultralow Power Dissipation (<0.5 W)
Low Leakage (<100 pA)
Low On Resistance (<50 )
Fast Switching Times
Low Charge Injection
TTL/CMOS Compatible
16-Lead SOIC Package
Battery-Powered Instruments
Single Supply Systems
Remote Powered Equipment
5 V Supply Systems
Computer Peripherals such as Disk Drives
Precision Instrumentation
Audio and Video Switching
Automatic Test Equipment
Precision Data Acquisition
Sample Hold Systems
Communication Systems
Compatible with 5 V Supply DACs and ADCs such as AD7840/AD7848, AD7870/AD7871/AD7872/AD7874/AD7875/AD7876/AD7878
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