Well, you can find hundreds of WiFi shields, modules for Arduino out there. However, most of them are either unstable, either oversized or expensive. When the Arduino and wifi chips are integrated on one development board, it is another story. Today, the protagonist of our story is Wio Lite W600 SAM D21+W600.
This Wio board is a cost-effective Arduino compatible board with the W600 WiFi module. The board features Atmel SMART SAM D21 ARM Cortex-M0+ based microcontroller and the W600 WiFi core is a 2.4GHz WiFi module features ARM Cortex-M3. Since the Wio Lite W600 uses SAM D21(the same chip used in Arduino Zero) as its Arduino Core, in theory, it is fully compatible with Arduino zero.
We’ve broken out the SAM D21 pins, the I/O level of this board is 3.3V. There are 6 analog pins and 14 digital pins, and also one UART, one I2C, one ICSP port is available. You can power this board with 5V USB Type C and 3.5V~4.2V Lipo battery.
- Arduino Zero Compatible/Adafruit FeatherCompatible.
- 2.4GHz onboard WiFi modulesupports 802.11 b/g/n.
- Support 200+ Grove modules.
- Cost-effective.
Useful Links:
Package Includes:
1 x Wio Lite W600 ATSAMD21 Cortex-M0 Wireless Development Board.
1 x Header set (unsoldered).
Specifications :-
Micro Processor |
SAM D21 ARM Cortex-M0+ |
Input Supply voltage (V) |
3.3 ~ 5V (USB C type connector) |
Analog I/O |
6 Pins |
Digital I/O |
14 pins |
WiFi Module Supports |
802.11 b/g/n |
Length (mm) |
52.3 |
Width (mm) |
23 |
Height (mm) |
7 |
Weight (gm) |
10 |
* Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from actual product.
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